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18 February 2006

GameCultura: Mini Games Experimentais

# o projeto todo deve ser feito por uma pessoa apenas em uma semana; # e cada jogo deve estar centrado em apenas um dos play elements fundamentais (isso é jargão de game designer, mas são basicamente os elementos que diferenciam os games dos outros softwares)

Casual Game Design » Game design at Casuality Europe

# Make it really hard. # Have a dozen mediocre game modes instead of one good one. # Make it a 600 MB download that requires two next generation video cards and 4GB RAM. # Price your game at $35 or $3.50 and sell only from your myspace homepage. # Use the right mouse button. # Give it a terrible name or theme. # Award low scores. # Expect users to read. # Make it challenging and cerebral. # Ignore what everyone else says about your game.

Heroine Sheik » Blog Archive » Orgasm: the Ultimate Game

What is a game, at its simplest, but an interactive challenge with a goal? Let’s go one better, and say a game — this game at least — takes skill, and that that necessary skill-level, along with the game itself, gets higher/faster/harder as the game continues, until it finally culminates in one last explosive battle.

GameCultura: ARG's na Folha de São Paulo amanhã

recomendar a matéria sobre ARG's que sai na Folha de São Paulo amanhã.

The Ludologist » Blog Archive » How to Beat the Boss

But really, I think the current boss conventions work quite well because reversals are basically exciting, dramatic if you will.

Curmudgeon Gamer: Orson Scott Card's 1983 videogame commentary still relevant

A home computer game should not be designed to minimize playtime - it should not be designed to take away quarters by making the game impossible to beat.

Intelligent Artifice: Augmented reality cell phone soccer game

C-LAB, the software arm of Siemens Business Services and the University of Paderborn have created "Kick Real," which is an AUGMENTED REALITY SOCCER GAME for cell phones. To play, you aim your camera phone down, and the video screen superimposes a soccer field on the live video of your foot. You can see the virtual ball, and "kick" it with your real foot to try and score goals.

GameCultura: Educação através dos jogos

Assista neste link um super-vídeo sobre educação através dos jogos, edugaming.» Blog Archive » Brazilian Webstandards Search on Rollyo

Você pode adicionar este form à seu site ou colocá-lo integrado ao Firefox!

Yahoo Ajax Library

This is cool for all you Ajax developers out there. Yahoo has released their own Ajax user interface library under the BSD license. This is the companion code to their Design Pattern Library.

12 February 2006

Raph’s Website » Are single-player games doomed?

The entire video game industry’s history thus far has been an aberration. It has been a mutant monster only made possible by unconnected computers. People always play games together. All of you learned to play games with each other. When you were kids, you played tag, tea parties, cops and robbers, what have you. The single-player game is a strange mutant monster which has only existed for 21 years and is about to go away because it is unnatural and abnormal.

PC Logic Games: RoboCode

. In this game, you have to program a robot in Java. You program how it moves and turns. You program how it hunts for opponent robots. You program how it turns its gun and fires. Your program can be simple or as complicated as the Java Virtual Machine allows.

11 February 2006

Excesso de realismo deixa o jogo chato [ Podcast ]

Professor de level-design afirma que games estão deixando de ser games e passando a ser meros simuladores. » Blog Archive » Top 10 Casual Games Portals

If I was to put a short list of the top 10 by volume (not performance) I would say 1) RealArcade (Gamehouse) 2) Yahoo Games 3) Oberon Network : Pogo, AOL (non exclusive), MSN, Xbox Life, and so on 4) Zylom 5) Shockwave 6) BigFish Games 7) Boonty Games 8) TryMedia (Because of AOL) 9) Reflexive Network 10) Gamefiesta, Arcadetown, Iwin, Wild Tangent

Only a Game: Na na na na na na na na na Katamari Analysis

Katamari Damacy = [N] x [V] [N] = Katamari (avatar) Objects [V] = Roll Clump (Quick Turn) (Dash) (Look) (Map) [N/N] (adjectives) = Size/Katamari Size/Object

05 February 2006

Design centrado em quê? [ Mercado Web ]

by 1 other
Identifiquei alguns centros comuns e incomuns no Design de Interação, mas deve ficar claro que eles podem acontecer em conjunto e mudar no decorrer do projeto:

Re:Retro - The Classic and Retro Games Blog

They do indeed go everywhere. Andreas Wieslander and his band of intrepid film makers/musicians/gamers pay homage to Parappa the Rapper in this excellent video, which is a cover of “Cheep Cheep Cooking Chicken’s Rap” from the first title in the PaRappa series. the medium that is eating the world

Raph Koster gave a talk this afternoon at PARC titled "The Medium That is Eating the World." Raph is a well-known online game designer (Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies) and a warm, funny, engaging speaker. His talk today was pretty loosely structured; he wandered around through a bunch of disjoint thoughts about the origin of games, different kinds of media, the definition of play, a bit of kitchen cog sci, and the impact of games on gamers and on the world. Overall it was quite interesting, but I felt like he was trying a bit too hard to be academic and researchy, since the audience was that kind of crowd. » Blog Archive » Conversion Rate Inversely Related To Download Rate

Your gross profits (excluding development costs) are roughly: # of downloads TIMES conversion rate TIMES revenue per sale

Grand Text Auto » Boucoup Freeware Stickman Action

Raigan Burns, one half of the N team whom we briefly met at Slamdance, sends us this list of freeware games he recommends, culled from looking at hundreds of freeware titles. Several of the stickman titles in the list were inspiration for N, which won the Audience award at both IGF05 and Slamdance06. Enjoy, in no particular order:

John Cook's Venture Blog - A moment with David Roberts of PopCap Games

At 44 years old, PopCap Games Chief Executive David Roberts likes to joke that he is "the adult supervision" at the Seattle computer game maker.